Are You Sick Of Being Confused about Where to Start on Your Weight Loss Journey?

Discover How To Finally End Your Confusion With the Healthy Habits Blueprint. 

This is a simple course built specifically for busy moms that focuses on YOU and your own personal obstacles and helps you build a realistic plan that fits into YOUR life. 

Start Now!

If you’ve ever felt frustrated because of unintended weight gain, brain fog, or lack of energy you’re not alone. 

Every week I work with people, just like you, who are going through the exact same problems:

  • Weight gain and feeling uncomfortable in their own skin
  • Stress and anxiety over what foods to eat, when, how much, etc. 
  • Frustration over preparing two meals; one for their family and one for themselves. 
  • Cravings for sweets, caffeine, and other unhealthy foods and the weight gain it causes. 
  • Brain fog and feeling like they can barely make it through the day. 

If you can relate to any of the above, what I’m about to share on this page can help you overcome these obstacles and feel like yourself again. 

It doesn't involve counting calories, carbs, or endless hours of cardio...

As long as you have the passion to make a lasting change in your life, I want to help you feel like a new woman who is in control of her own health.

But before I get into that, allow me to introduce myself…


Hi, I’m Jennifer

I’m a Health Coach who specializes in helping busy moms lose weight, have more energy, and improve their health.

[A few paragraphs about your experience, your authority, or any big achievements that increase your status and credibility as a coach]


My Journey Into Becoming A Health Coach Started Back In 2011... 

I've always been into health and fitness but in 2010 I got into "couponing" (yes, please laugh) because my husband and I were newly married and we wanted to save and start life on the right foot. Well, I quickly found out that these foods you get coupons for are not the healthiest. So that started my journey on trying to put together healthy meals on a budget. During this time we were also doing Crossfit, I had finished my 3rd triathlon, and we were trying to stay healthy all while raising 2 little ones.

Somewhere in the midst of this I got sidetracked and started counting calories and macros and started trying every "diet" out there. It got overwhelming quick, fast, and in a hurry.

We were preparing different meals for everybody and it wasn't "fun" anymore. It was overwhelming and stressful. What used to be a "stress relief" for me became a "stressor." Working out became a job because I had to "burn" so many calories to compensate for what I had taken in and I was tracking everything which was taking time away from my kids, my husband, and my spiritual life.

But One Day, Something Amazing Happened….

I realized that I was spending more time on measuring food, counting calories, and worrying about my next meal than I was with my kids, my husband, and in God's Word.  

From This Moment On, My Life Changed Forever 

This revelation didn't happen all at once. It was a process. It was a combination of things that happened that made my priorities changed.

I realized I needed to simplify life because I had made life and food all kinds of complicated and it had become an idol in my life. 

So I have spent the last four years working on a program and resources to help other Mama's like me who are at their wits end trying to decide what is best for their health, their families health, and to maintain their mental health (or what little bit is left at the end of the day. LOL). 

Mentally I feel more clear headed and focused. Spiritually I feel like I have a renewed relationship with my God and Savior. My marriage has improved. My kids are eating better. 

This Is Why I’m Writing To You Today

I have talked to so many women who are so confused and lost about where to start or what diet to try or frustrated because they can't stick to a plan and it hurts my heart. This is why I created the Healthy Habits Blueprint Course. I wanted every woman I talked with to be able to have the knowledge and resources that I have used to make the change from frazzled and frustrated to in control and calm. 

I wanted to empower Mom's to not only change their lives but their children's lives and in turn change their family tree!!

Are you ready to finally have more energy, reach your goals, and feel confident in your own skin?

Then let’s do this. 

No more brain fog, weight gain, frustration, confusion calories counting, or hours of cardio.  

The Health Habits Blueprint is 3 modules that are easy to complete even if you're a busy mom. The Healthy Habits Blueprint course will help you overcome obstacles, identify and remove distraction, and build a plan specific to you so you can have more energy, less stress, and reach your health and wellness goals. 

By the end of this course you’ll be:

  • Identifying and replacing bad habits 
  • Replacing bad habits with healthy habits 
  • Identify obstacles and distraction
  • Have a game plan for how to overcome obstacles and distraction
  • Building Sustainable healthy Habits
  • Share your new healthier lifestyle with your kids and family

In other words - you’ll have less confusion over what to eat and what to do and have more time and energy to spend with your family. 

Enroll now!




Overcome Obstacles and Distractions

Module 1 is all about uncovering the reasons you are STUCK in your health and wellness journey.

The aim is to uncover uncover your own personal obstacles and distractions that are hold you back. 

By the end of this module, you will:

  • Clarify what you want so you know exactly what steps to take to reach your goals.
  • Build a plan to overcome any obstacles because the bumps in the road will come and being prepared for them is key to not falling off the wagon. 
  • Getting focused on your goals and stick to them so you can get off the diet roller coaster and get on with living a vibrant, full life!

Identify and Replace Bad Habits

Module 2 is all about identifying and replacing bad habits.

The aim is to replace the bad habits that are causing your weight gain, lack of energy, stress, and frustration. 

By the end of this module, you will:

  • Identify and break up with your bad habits. 
  • Replace your bad habits with new healthy habits
  • Commit to and implement your new Healthy Habit Plan.

Build Sustainable Healthy Habits

Module 3 is all about creating consistent change over time. 

The aim is to create a healthy lifestyle that fits into your busy schedule. 

By the end of this module, you will:

  • Pick your healthy habits focus area and prioritize time to make them sustainable. 
  • Create your healthy habit tracker so  you can look back and see the  AMAZING progress you make over time. 
  • Reach your goals and have more time and energy for your family and change your family tree in the process!
Let's do this!!!



What you get:

  • Lifetime access to course
  • Workbook to help you walk through each module
  • Special Offer for those who complete the course
  • BONUS: Meal Planning Toolkit

Payment Plan

3x $97

What you get:

  • Lifetime access to the course
  • Workbook to help you walk through each module
  • Special offer for those who complete the course
  • BONUS: Meal Planning Toolkit

How To Get Started With the

Healthy Habits Blueprint Course

Ready to finally tackle your bad habits and obstacles and live a healthier life with more energy and less stress?

Click the button below to be taken to our secure checkout page.

Simply enter your details there to gain complete access to the Healthy Habits Blueprint Course.

You’ll be sent an email with your login details asking you to create an account, and you’ll be ready to dive into your new course within minutes.



My personal method of meal planning and grocery shopping

I’ve included this bonus because you can use this to START your journey TODAY. 

With the Meal Planning Toolkit you will:

  • Learn how to make meals quick and simple. 
  • Discover my own grocery store hacks!
  • Get the same exact meal planning template I use every week to plan meals for my own family.

Here’s Everything You Get When You Join 

Healthy Habits Blueprint

  • Have more energy
  • Get clear on your goals and have a personalized game plan
  • Overcome obstacles and distractions!
  • Identify and Replace bad habits keeping you from being your BEST self!
  • Build sustainable healthy habits that work with YOUR life!
  • Mental clarity! Get rid of brain fog!
  • Feel good in your own skin!
  • Meal Planning Toolkit

See you inside!

Let's DO THIS!